The Follow Up Course

$75 for 12 months of access to develop mastery!


This course covers ten topics and you get:

  10 short videos (around 10 mins each) to refine your teaching.

  10 online quizzes with feedback to revise your knowledge.

  Your questions answered by Michelle!  You can also read all of the other questions and answers too!

Order Here

You can watch the first video here



Perfect for After School Meetings!

Total of around 95 minutes - plus 10 quizzes and Q & As. 

Answers to your questions!

Simply type your questions in under each quiz and Michelle will answer them for you!  You can also read other people's questions and Michelle's answers!

Order Here $75 per person.

Frequently Asked Questions


✅ Can I go in in any order?

Yes, you can go in any order.


✅  How fast can I go through the 10 topics?

You can go as fast as you like.  You will have access to all content straight away.


✅ Can I revisit the videos?

Yes!  As many times as you like, within the 12 months of access.  This will be helpful as when questions arise after months of using this in your classroom, you can still ask Michelle.


✅ Do I get results of the quiz?

Yes!  You get feedback immediately and can retake the quiz as many times as you'd like!


✅ Do I get a certificate?

Yes!  At the end of the last video, you will be prompted to generate a certificate that will be emailed to you for 3 hours of professional development.


✅ Any other questions?  

Please email Freddy He's always happy to help.